Life is easier when we help each other.

We are Europe’s largest student community with over 3 million students!

We offer students free access to our platform where they can share and download learning materials, engage with their peers through group and course discussions, as well as connecting them to top employers for job and internship opportunities.

Our vision is to make every student live with a wider smile by helping them master every exam, every assignment and every job interview for the career they love.

We match top companies with top talents.

For our companies, we are the hotline to their next generation of employees with access to 1.8M students. Our expertise in student recruiting, targeting capabilities, and employer branding help match top companies with top talents.

Are you a company looking for new talent?

Come be yourself!


We pride ourselves in creating a work culture where everyone is welcome at Studydrive regardless of gender identity, nationality, age, disability status, sexual orientation or religion.

We, at Studydrive, embrace our differences and focus on being the best version of ourselves by practising our values to the fullest extent.

Our values

WeCare about our local community too!

Our employees make it possible! 

We have international, diverse teams with flat hierarchies and a strong focus on transparency & communication.

We’re not only looking for experienced employees with great skill sets, but the chemistry has to be right. We ensure our employees have a great working environment both in our unique office in the historic “Alte Post” in Berlin-Neukölln and in home office.

Perks at Studydrive

Full-time employment positions with an unlimited contract and 30 vacation days per year.

Support for your professional growth with a budget for conferences, books, courses, or however you see fit + 4 study days per year.

Free German classes for those who want to improve their language skills.

A unique office in the historic “Alte Post”, where we offer drinks, snacks, cozy sofas, a huge kitchen and a very nice rooftop, perfect for after-work BBQs.

A starting budget of €50 a month for a category of your choice: vouchers, transportation, internet or lunch.

Flexible working hours and home office opportunities. And no extra hours or working on weekends!

We leave room for fun

Company and team events are extremely important to us and we make sure that we have as much event variety as we can: from sport events, to themed parties, to chilling on boats, to fancy dinners.

This video is from a Neukölln-themed party in our office - we had fun! And will definitely continue to do so in the future.

Come as you are and join us!

Get your fun fact ready and help shape the future of Studydrive by joining our team.

Praktikum Business Development / Growth (all genders)

Senior Business Analyst (all genders)

Junior Customer Success Manager (all genders)

Senior Sales Manager – Neukundenakquise (all genders)

Senior Agency Sales Manager (all genders)

It all started in Brazil…

Founded with purpose – built with passion.

In 2013, on a night bus to Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Sven and Philipp made life a whole lot easier for students by birthing the idea of Studydrive.

They took their idea back to Germany and started the company. After years of bootstrapping, raising funding, and building a top-class userbase and team – Studydrive joined the StepStone family in the summer of 2018.

Our major milestones

February 2012

The founders came up with the idea of a learning platform when they wanted to prepare themselves for an exam.

March 2013

After completing their studies, they founded Studydrive.

July 2020

Redesign of the entire platform

March 2021

Hannes and Karl take over the management of the company and continues to push Studydrive as a thought leader in the e-learning space.

January 2019

Studydrive becomes a StepStone subsidiary

May 2018

Launch of the Studydrive app and more community & Q&A features.

January 2017

Second financing round: Studydrive wins DHDL investor Carsten Maschmeyer

May 2015

First financing round: Studydrive receives 2 million euros.

February 2012

The founders came up with the idea of a learning platform when they wanted to prepare themselves for an exam.

March 2013

After completing their studies, they founded Studydrive.

May 2015

First financing round: Studydrive receives 2 million euros.

January 2017

Second financing round: Studydrive wins DHDL investor Carsten Maschmeyer

May 2018

Launch of the Studydrive app and more community & Q&A features.

January 2019

Studydrive becomes a StepStone subsidiary

July 2020

Redesign of the entire platform

March 2021

Hannes and Karl take over the management of the company and continues to push Studydrive as a thought leader in the e-learning space.

Meet the team

Customer Success

Growth & Marketing


People & Culture

Product & Tech

